Did you know that over 11 million US households own an RV?
Not all of those people live on the road, but many are choosing to make that change. When it comes to living in an RV full-time, though, there are a few things you need to know. Luckily, we can help you get started.
Read on to learn four of the best tips for starting your RV lifestyle.
1. Carry Cash With You
In normal circumstances, cash is never a necessity. However, when it comes to RV living, you never know when you’re going to need spare change. Whether it’s for tolls or laundromat trips, having enough quarters on hand is what’s going to get you clean sheets and getting to your next destination.
2. Prepare for Boondocking
If you’ve never heard of boondocking, you’ll be familiar with it soon enough. In short, it’s when you park at a rest stop or other location without hookups and sleep there for the night. You won’t have access to running water or electricity as you do at camping sites, and it’s what a lot of RVers consider roughing it.
Your lights will still work, but if you need to plug anything in you’ll need an adapter to hook things up to the front of your vehicle. You’re not likely to have access to your bed extensions, so ensuring that other sleeping areas (like couches or overhangs) are comfortable is important.
3. Be Prepared to Downsize
It’s highly likely that you won’t have the space to bring every single one of your belongings when you move into your RV. Whether it’s donating, storage, or getting creative with what you can fit, it’s important to make sure you’re not crowding your RV with unnecessary items.
Remember, you don’t necessarily have to become a minimalist, but you do need to know what your necessities are. You’re going to feel a lot more comfortable when you have everything you need, and your transition is going to be a lot more successful.
4. Don’t Rush Through Things
The biggest thing to remember is that there’s no rush. It’s best to take your time with this transition in order to avoid mistakes later down the line. Whether it’s buying your RV or making the switch, having a carefully thought out, well-researched plan is going to help you avoid a lot of headaches later down the line, and it’s going to help make the entire process a lot simpler to get through.
Is Living in an RV Full-Time Right for You?
So, does living in an RV full-time sound like the right move for you? Whether you want to travel endlessly or you just want a lower-maintenance lifestyle, a lot of people make this lifestyle work for them. Remember, you don’t have to follow these tips exactly, but knowing more about what you can expect and what you can do to better prepare is going to be very helpful for your future.
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