Congratulations!!! You have crossed all the troubles and turbulences of the legal process of adopting a child. Now you are allowed to adopt a new family member. Your heart has increased tenfold with happiness just by thinking that soon you will be adopting a child in Georgia. The simple prospect of him/her being home with you, safe and sound, will bring ease to your mind and soul.
Will he consider us our family? Will they consider us as parents? Will they open up with us? Will they share their feelings with us? Apart from happiness, such thoughts must be lurking in your mind and won’t be letting you go to sleep. As an adoptive parent, you would like your child to feel at home instantly.
But don’t fret and worry. These thoughts are normal. Kids for adoption in Georgia don’t easily settle down. But with time, patience, and effort, they settle down, mingle and feel like part of the family. Let’s discuss a few strategies that can help us mingle with the adoptive kids and make them feel less comfortable.
Adopting a Child in Georgia and Ways to bond with them
I love you!!!
Like every other child, adopted children will fear that their adoptive parents will dislike them if they misbehave or break something. Constantly tell them that they are loved. Reassure them through your patience and actions that they are being loved. Even if the adoptive kids misbehave, your heart is full of love for them. Phrases like ‘I love you, but your actions could be improved’ will help them positively identify their mistakes and register your love in their hearts.
Build a Routine.
Children prosper if they follow a particular routine. A routine gives them a sense of control which further helps in building connection and trust. So, a set morning routine, a bedtime routine, or a movie night will register a solid foundation of trust in the adoptive kid’s mind. From there, they can grow easily and happily.
Give them time!!!
Age is the biggest factor that can make or break things. How quickly and in what way they adopt depends on their age. Children younger than six show their mood swings by being cranky or taking more naps. This does not mean that you, the adoptive parent, are bad at parenting. Give them time to adjust. Cuddle them as often as possible. The previous loss has made them lose trust in the people around them. Hence, they are unable to adjust due to the fear of losing their loved ones again. Give them time and trust the process.
Privacy is the key.
Give them space, don’t hover around them. It is important for adoptive children to have their own space/ privacy. There is a high possibility that their previous foster care lacked this particular phenomenon making them super unhappy. Especially if the kids are teenagers, give them some space and privacy. Knock before entering their personal space. By following such actions, you will give them the satisfaction that their privacy, mental health, and thoughts matter which can lead to their guards down.
Communicate! Communicate! Communicate!
There is no such thing that good communication cannot solve. Communicate with your child. Show them your presence by interacting with them as often as possible. The adoptive children are full of questions and confused about where to ask them. Keep the communication lines open and answer their questions as much as possible. This will be a great source of communication, and the kids will remember it for years to come. This will be a great source of learning for both of you.
Include them in every family discussion/ decision.
A life that was so out of control for them needs to be flushed out of their lives. Let them make memories. Include them in the decision-making process. Let them feel that they have a voice and a say regarding family matters. Initially, let them decide which movie to watch on the weekend or what to cook on Saturday night? Etc. Letting them have decision-making power will make them feel more inclusive.
Don’t take rejection personally.
If the adoptive children are unable to bond with you personally, then patience is the key. Don’t take it personally. It is a difficult process for both parties. Even adoptive parents get hurt by their adoptive children’s actions but don’t forget what these adoptive kids have been through before reacting to a situation. Even now, when you are trying to give the best of the world to them, it is quite foreign to them. Hence the rejection is out of fear rather than a thoughtful process.
It is common for adoptive parents to worry, but this should not hinder your efforts to bond with your adoptive kids. Focus on building this bond and leave the rest of the legal matters with adoption law service providers like Thomas Tebeau.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I bond with my adopted baby?
Ans: Show your adopted baby/ children affection by hugging and cuddling them as often as possible. This will help in a long-lasting relationship with your adoptive kids.
Q: How do you raise a happy adopted child?
Ans: Your relationship matters a lot. Always keep your child’s interest a priority while the relationship is growing. This will keep the adoptive kids happy.
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