I was recently asked what these plagiarisms were about. I replied, “read the ARTICLES ABOUT PLAGIARIES, you will find out.” Then a conversation developed and I realized that there was another problem that I had not thought of discussing. It is expressed in the question “How to swap sentences so that anti-plagiarism does not stop, that I copy my colleague’s work”.
Quoting and summarizing
Let me just remind you that we are dealing with a quote when you place a fragment of a text from some other source in quotation marks. An overview is when you recall the author’s thought without using his wording. Sure right? Not completely. Sometimes when you write a paper, you don’t want to plagiarize and choose your words very carefully when you have another author’s text in front of you that you want to use in your mind. You can use reference to indicate the publication you are using. Then you are always able to explain yourself when recalling the wording of another author. However, there is a situation when it makes no sense to refer to the author in a footnote, and yet there is a temptation to use his study.
Can an overview be used without bibliographic references?
The reader I mentioned at the beginning said that in such situations she uses a thesaurus, quite mechanically changing words, sentence order and the order of sentences in a paragraph. To be honest, I think this is a weird idea. It’s a waste of time. First, you read a paragraph of text that is your source. You try to focus not on the words and phrases, but rather on the content and message of the text. If the thought is complex and complicated, read the passage several times. Then you close the text you’re using and give yourself a moment to think of whatever you’d like to include in your work. Then you take a pen or open a text editor and write down what you remember in your own way. Seemingly simple and obvious, but many students rework texts mechanically, using dictionaries, getting tired of syntax and playing with the sequence of sentences. It’s a waste of energy.
Paraphrasing tools and their functions
Numerous functions of the online paraphrasing tools include rewriting essays, eliminating plagiarism, and paraphrase articles. The greatest ways to use a good paraphrasing tool are as a sentence and word rephraser. It eliminates duplicate content, reformats phrases, and creates articles that are readable. The integrity of the revised content is unaffected. It substitutes appropriate synonyms, rephrases like actual people, and occasionally paraphrases even better than expert writers.
I would like to remind you once again – if you do not put a footnote and do not refer to the author you rely on, you can still put his thoughts in your work, as long as it is possible that you could create such a description, characteristics, or make similar conclusions. Never transform the definitions, classifications and generally speaking of narratives that you would not have been able to create yourself in the manner given here!