We all like to read novels. By reading books, our mind becomes calm, and we can focus well on our work. There are so many benefits of reading stories, such as our mind changes, focusing on our work, getting a lot of knowledge, improving our English, etc. But very few of you know the types of novels or the history of the novel, all of us need to know all these things, today we will give you information about all these things.
A novel is an extended writing work containing fictional and non-fictional stories; the Spanish writer first wrote the novel in the 17th century. He wrote it first in Spanish, and then it became famous in Elizabethan times. Later this novel takes the form of a novel where we read many short stories in a single book.
Types of novels:
Novels come in all fiction genres, with each author bringing out their unique voice. A handful of essential subspecies make up a large market segment, although there are many other styles (and mashups of styles). Some famous types of novels that you may need to know:
Mystery novels:
Mysteries revolve around a crime that needs to be solved, often a murder. The traditional format features a detective, professional or amateur, as its protagonist, surrounded by characters who help solve crimes or who are suspects. The detective will investigate clues throughout the story, including false leads and red herrings, to solve the case. Here we look at some of the most famous novels of all time that fall under the mystery genre, including the Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys series, the world-famous Sherlock Holmes novels by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and the novels Agatha Christie. Christie’s and They Were was the best-selling crime novel in the world
Science fiction and fantasy:
One of the most famous novel genres is science fiction and fantasy, which deal with speculative world-building. The lines between the two are often blurred, but science fiction usually envisions a different world through technology, whereas fantasy imagines a magical world. Previously science fiction included the works of Jules Verne and continued through the seminal classical In the period of George Orwell, which is 1984; Contemporary science fiction is a trendy genre. Some of the most famous novels in Western literature are fantasy novels, including The Lord of the Rings series, The Chronicles of Narnia, and Harry Potter; They are very famous in European epic literature.
Horror/thriller novels:
Thriller novels are sometimes combined with other genres, often mystery or science fiction. The defining characters of these novels are often designed to create a sense of dread, suspense, or psychological terror in the reader. Early versions of the genre included The Count of Monte Cristo (a revenge thriller) and Heart of Darkness (a psychological/horror thriller). More contemporary examples may be the novels of Stephen King.
Nowadays, romantic novels have a few things in common with “romances” of the past: romantic love, the occasional scandal, and many emotions at the center. However, today’s romances focus exclusively on telling the story of romantic or sexual love between characters. They usually follow concrete structures, and all that is needed is an optimistic or “happy” resolution. Romance is the most famous novel genre in the United States.
Historical fiction:
As its name suggests, historical fiction is fictionalized with the real stories of past human history. Some examples of historical fiction include fictional stories about actual historical figures, while others involve entirely original characters in real-life events. Iconic works of historical fiction include Ivanhoe, A Tale of Two Cities, Gone with the Wind, and The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Realistic fiction:
Realistic fantasy, quite simply, is fiction that eschews the advanced genre or genre to try to tell a story like it “might” happening in the world as we know it. The goal is to present things truthfully without romanticizing artistic flourishing. Some of the most famous realist writers include Mark Twain, John Steinbeck, Honoré de Balzac, Anton Chekov, and George Eliot.
To Finish:
The novel gives us a lot of knowledge, and every school must have a novel for every class so that it can be successful. If the school has a school information management system, children can take complete information about it. Also, students can go through the LMS portal if they want; this will increase their knowledge.
Read also : What is a novel, and how many types are there?